Staging Homes For Sale, With Kids

Homes for sale need to grab the buyer's eye and draw them in. That can be a challenge when the seller has kids. Cartoon characters covering the walls, toys all over the floor and finger paint handprints on the furniture can turn a buyer off (yes, even if they have kids of their own). But, that doesn't mean these homes are unsellable – far from it. With some strategic staging and careful cleaning, a kid-filled home can completely invite and entice almost any buyer. Read More 

Looking for Your First Commercial Office Space? How to Secure the Best One for Your Needs

Looking for your first commercial office space is an important part of growing your venture from a profitable side job to a viable, full-time business. But the process of leasing commercial real estate can be difficult and filled with financial pitfalls, especially for those who are inexperienced in commercial leasing. If your new business has outgrown your basement or home office and is ready for a new, more permanent location, using the following tips will help to make sure you are prepared to successfully navigate the commercial leasing process and find the best possible space for your needs. Read More 

Selling Your Small Home? Know How To Make Your Small Rooms Appear Larger

If you are trying to sell your small home, you may find that potential buyers are frequently commenting on its size. While a smaller home may have been great for you, it can be uninviting for others. Here are some tips that can help make smaller rooms feel bigger and welcoming. Brighten Up The Room A room that is bright will naturally feel bigger than one that is dark. You'll want to make sure that your small rooms have plenty of light, either by opening windows or placing a lamp in the room. Read More 

3 Tips For Ensuring That Your Estate Sale Goes Well

If you are in charge of holding an estate sale for a family member that has passed away, there are a few things that you can do that should help increase the success of the sale and ensure that most of your deceased family member's items are sold. Be Careful About The Date Most estate sales last at least a couple of days to ensure that everyone who wants to purchase items from the estate has ample time to come, check out the inventory, make purchasing decisions and arrange for transportation of the items that they select. Read More 

How First-Time Home-Buyership Programs Help You Qualify For A Mortgage

The real estate lending market has been challenging over the past few years, but that doesn't mean first- time home-buyers can't qualify for a mortgage on a new home. The major hurdle first-time home-buyers have is getting approved by the lending officer. Here is how participating in a home-buyership program can help you get approved by a lending officer for a commercial bank. Maintaining the Property First-time homeowner programs are aimed at people who rent who may, or may not, have a background in living in a home that was owned by an immediate family member like your mom, dad, or both. Read More